Information from the State Related to the Bridge Replacement on Swamp Road

Good afternoon,


The Vermont Agency of Transportation has completed a scoping report for Bridge 8 over Otter Creek located over the Town boundary line connecting Creek Road (Salisbury/Town Highway 1) to Swamp Road (Cornwall/Town Highway 3).  The Scoping Report examines the feasibility of several replacement bridge types.  The scoping report recommends a new bridge on the existing alignment with traffic maintained on an offsite detour during construction.  The type of structure is to be chosen by the Towns of Salisbury and Cornwall with input from the public.


We would like to schedule an Alternatives Presentation Meeting to discuss the existing conditions of the bridge, site constraints, the options considered in the scoping report and the recommended alternative.  The Alternatives Presentation Meeting will likely take about 45 minutes comprised of a 30 minute presentation and 15 minute question period.  At this time, we prefer to hold public meetings remotely.


The draft Scoping Report can be found at the link below:


Please let me know at your earliest convenience to arrange a time and date for the Alternatives Presentation Meeting.  We would like to schedule the meeting at least 30 days out to allow for adequate notification to affected property owners and other stakeholders.


We look forward to meeting with the Selectboard Members and residents of Salisbury and Cornwall.


Best Regards,

Laura J. Stone, P.E.