Thursday September 8th 5:30-7 pm
The Cornwall Swamp has a multitude of wildlife and plants just waiting to be discovered! Come join the Cornwall Conservation Commission along with Amy Alfieri, John Austin, and Bob Zaino for a guided walk through some of our amazing swamp and swamp-adjacent areas! Amy is a wildlife biologist with F&W and the manager of Cornwall Swamp Management Area. John is F&W’s Lands and Habitat Program Manager, overseeing the State’s conservation projects. Bob is a Natural Community Ecologist with F&W, working on conserving Vermont’s important natural communities.
The route will cover some uneven ground, so please wear appropriate hiking footwear and dress accordingly for variable weather conditions. This is a family-friendly event but will be held outdoors with no bathrooms or shelter. Sponsored by the Cornwall Conservation Commission. Held rain or shine.
Free and open to the public, but please email the Conservation Commission at: cornwallconservationvt@gmail.com to register since space is limited to around 30 people. Upon registration, you will receive additional details about carpooling and/or parking.