Cemetery Work Day at South Cemetery

The Cornwall Cemetery Commission would like your help. We are having a work day at Cornwall’s South Cemetery on Saturday, May 11, 9AM to Noon. The cemetery is on DeLong just west of its intersection with Douglas Road, and we will be cleaning headstones & clearing brush.

No experience needed, instruction will be provided. For headstone cleaning, wear old clothes & bring rubber gloves, a water bucket, plastic brushes and a wooden paint stirrer. Also a spray bottle if you have one. For brush & limb clearing, a chainsaw, loppers, and a strong back.

The first burials in South Cemetery date from the late 1700s and it is the final resting place of several veterans of the American Revolution. Help us as we work to preserve our community’s history.

Please email Anne Collins (annecollins1@att.net) if you are able to come, or with any questions..


May 11 2024


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Town Hall & Library

2629 Route 30
Cornwall, Vermont 05753

Town Clerk

Laura Fetterolf
Email: townclerk@cornwallvt.com
Phone: 802-462-2775
Fax: 802-462-2606

Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closed Tuesdays and Thursdays

Town Treasurer

Nicholas Gill
Email: treasurer@cornwallvt.com
Phone: 802-462-2775
Fax: 802-462-2606
Office Hours: Mondays only, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Emergency Manager

Ben Marks
Email: bmarkscornwall@gmail.com
Phone: 802-462-3536

Health Officer

William S. Johnson, Jr.
Email: wsj@shoreham.net
Phone: 802-462-3366

Fire Warden

For burn permits, please call Luke Jerome at 802-349-2985.

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