The Anna Stowell Sunderland Bingham Memorial School is a K-6 elementary school located on School Road, off Route 30 just north of the Town Hall.
Bingham Memorial School (aka the Cornwall School) is one of nine schools in the Addison Central Supervisory District (ACSD). As of 2017, there is no longer a local School Board. There is a 13 member ACSD board. The current board member from Cornwall is Peter Conlon. Peter’s phone number is 462-3134.
Cornwall 6th, 7th & 8th graders attend Middlebury Union Middle School (MUMS) and our 9th – 12th graders go to Middlebury Union High School (MUHS).
Cornwall Elementary is a Responsive Classroom school implementing Positive Behavior Supports (PBS). Our school community is committed to helping students “learn to grow and grow to learn.”