Panel Discussion: Setting Land Aside for Conservation

On October 29, 2020, the Cornwall Conservation Commission held a panel discussion on Zoom with experts directly involved in land conservation in our area. The goal of the discussion was to provide introductory information on the value and benefits of setting land aside for conservation.

Hosted by Rene Langis, the panel included:

  • Jamie Brookside (Montague), executive director of the Middlebury Area Land Trust (MALT)
  • Bob Heiser, Regional Director, Champlain Valley, of the Vermont Land Trust (VLT)
  • Justus DeVries, professional land appraiser

A total of 37 participants attended the presentation, with many of them able to ask questions. One of the main outcomes from the discussion is that putting land in conservation can be a rewarding but somewhat complex process and each of the panelists stated that they would be happy to talk with anyone interested in pursuing land conservation.