General Election

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

7:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Cornwall Town Hall – 2629 Route 30, Cornwall, Vt

This is the only state election in Vermont where ballots are mailed to all active registered voters by the Secretary of State’s office.

Offices to be elected in the 2024 General Election:
U.S. President & Vice President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Treasurer, Secretary of State, State Auditor of Accounts, Attorney General, all State Senate Seats, all State Representative seats, High Bailiff, and Justices of the Peace.

Early or Absentee Ballots
The Secretary of State’s Office will mail all active voters their 2024 General Election ballot by September 20, 2024 based on the registered mailing address that was on file on September 1, 2024. Contact us if you do not receive your ballots by October 1, 2024. You do not have to vote this absentee ballot and can still vote in person at the polls on Election Day, but you will need to either return your unvoted absentee ballot OR complete an affidavit of no ballot cast.

Instructions for voters

  • Go to the entrance checklist table, give your name, and if asked, your street address to the election official in a clear voice.
  • Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
  • If you want to use the accessible voting system, tell the entrance checklist official at this time. An election official will take you to the accessible ballot marking device, enter a security code, and then leave you to mark your ballot privately.
  • Take a ballot from the election official and enter a voting booth. Once inside the voting booth, mark your ballot for each race.
    If you need assistance in marking your ballot, you may bring into the booth :

    • a magnifying glass with you,
    • a list of candidates
    • a person of your choice (who is not your employer or union representative) to assist you
      You may also ask an election official to assist you in marking your ballot.
  • If you make a mistake or change your mind, that’s okay. Return your spoiled ballot to the entrance checklist official and ask for a new ballot. If you make a mistake again, you may ask for another ballot. Each voter may have up to 3 ballots.
  • Go to the Exit checklist table and state your name for the election official. Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
  • To cast your voted ballot: follow the directions of the election official to insert your voted ballot into the tabulator machine.
  • Leave the voting area promptly
  • All voters who are in line at the polling place at 7pm will be permitted to vote. No voter who was not in line at 7pm can enter the polling place to vote after 7pm.