Voter Instructions & Additional Information

Instructions for voters

  • Go to the entrance checklist table, give your name, and if asked, your street address to the election official in a clear voice.
  • Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
  • If you want to use the accessible voting system, tell the entrance checklist official at this time. An election official will take you to the accessible ballot marking device, enter a security code, and then leave you to mark your ballot privately.
  • Take a ballot from the election official and enter a voting booth. Once inside the voting booth, mark your ballot for each race.
    If you need assistance in marking your ballot, you may bring into the booth :

    • a magnifying glass,
    • a list of candidates to help you choose your votes
    • a person of your choice (who is not your employer or union representative) to assist you
      You may also ask an election official to assist you in marking your ballot
  • If you make a mistake or change your mind, that’s okay. Return your spoiled ballot to the entrance checklist official and ask for a new ballot. If you make a mistake again, you may ask for another ballot. Each voter may have up to 3 ballots.
  • Go to the Exit checklist table and state your name for the election official. Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
  • To cast your voted ballot: follow the directions of the election official to insert your voted ballot into the tabulator machine.
  • Leave the voting area promptly
  • All voters who are in line at the polling place at 7pm will be permitted to vote. Voters who were not in line at 7pm cannot enter the polling place to vote after 7pm.

On Election Day:

If your name was dropped from the checklist in error, or has not been added even though you submitted a timely application for addition to the checklist, you can fill out a new registration form. If the clerk or Board of Civil Authority does not add you name, you can appeal the decision to a superior court judge, who will settle the matter on Election Day. Call the Secretary of State’s office at 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683) for more information.

If you are a first time voter who submitted your application to the checklist individually by mail and did not submit the required document, you must provide a current and valid photo identification, or a bank statement, utility bill or government document that contains your name/current address.

If you have physical disabilities, are visually impaired or can’t read, you may have assistance from any person of your choice. If any voters you know have disabilities, let them know they can have assistance from any person of their choice.

If you know voters who cannot get from their car into the polling place, let them know they can have ballots brought to their car by two election officials.

If you have any questions or need assistance while voting, ask the Town Clerk or any election official for help.


  • Vote more than once per election, either in the same town or in different towns.
  • Mislead the Board of Civil Authority about your own or another person’s true residency or other eligibility to vote.
  • Hinder or impede a voter going into or from the polling place.
  • Socialize in a manner that could disturb other voters in the polling place.
  • Offer bribe, threaten or exercise undue influence to dictate or control the vote of another person.

For help or additional information, call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-VOTE (800-439-8683)