10am – Bone Builders
Happy New Year Cornwall Residents!
We are happy to announce that Bone Builders will begin classes on Friday, January 17th, at 10 a.m. We will be meeting every Monday and Friday at 10 a.m thereafter at the Town Hall.
All are welcome to become osteoporosis thrivers! Wear comfortable clothes to stretch and exercise in, bring a water bottle and yourself! We are looking forward to bringing Bone Builders to our town. RSVP sponsors this for us and we are most grateful and excited to bring it to you.
Sharon Cram and Annie Wilson will be your instructors. They have been meeting regularly to practice and make ready this opportunity for you. Both are certified through RSVP and are ready to go!
There will be 3 forms available on Friday for participants to fill out and a sign-up roster available. If you are not able to attend on Friday, please come on any Monday or Friday that works out for you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call, 802-462-2152.
Cheers to the New Year!
The Cornwall Recreation Committee