Laura Fetterolf, Town Clerk
Sue Johnson, Assistant (and former) Town Clerk
Contact Information
- Phone: 802-462-2775
- Email:
- Fax: 802-462-2606
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am-4pm
Land Records: Come by the Town Hall during Clerk Office hours to research the land records in person, or search online at our records portal
Cornwall Connection E-newsletter: Contact the Town Clerk to enroll in the Town news and emergency alert email list, for municipal and emergency information such as road closures, emergency/disaster information, Town notices, and lost and/or found animals.
Reserving or Renting the Town Hall
Copies of Birth, Death, or Marriage Certificates on File: For a certified copy of a birth or death certificate, fill out an Application Form for a Certified Copy of a Vermont Birth or Death Certificate. For non-certified copies that cannot be used for legal purposes, see also the Vermont State Vital Records page.
Certified copies are $10.00, uncertified copies are $1.00.
Marriage Licenses
Dog Licenses: If you own a dog and live in Cornwall, you must register the dog by April 1st each year. Registration is required by law in order to keep the rabies disease at bay. Dogs more than 6 months of age may be licensed any time after January 1st of a calendar year but must be licenses no later than April 1st of the same year to avoid an additional 50% fee assessment. Here is the Town Dog Ordinance.
To register your dog you need to provide a valid rabies vaccination certificate, which will be kept on file at the Town Office. The fee is $11.00 for a spayed or neutered dog and $15.00 for a dog that is not spayed or neutered. Rabies vaccinations are good for three years for adult dogs and one year for puppies.
Fish & Wildlife Licenses
Motor Vehicle Registration Renewals: The Town Clerk can process renewals only, not new registrations. You must present your DMV renewal form. There is a $3.00 Town Cleark fee, separate from the DMV renewal fee. More information and forms are available from the Vermont DMV.
Green Mountain Passports: These are available to anyone who is:
- a resident of Vermont and is 62 years or older OR
- totally disabled as a result of disease or injury suffered while serving in the Armed Forces OR
- a resident of the Vermont Veterans’ Home in Bennington.
Passport holders are eligible for free admission to state parks, museums, and fully-state-sponsored events. The one-time fee is $2.00. Apply to the Town Clerk for your passport!
Voting: You can apply to be added or removed from the voter rolls and request an absentee ballots.