Amphibian Ecology and Road Rescue Training
Thursday, March 21, 2019 (6:30-8:00pm)
Cornwall Town Hall
If you were at Jim Andrews’ recent “Slippery Creatures” presentation, you know the yearly migration of amphibians from their winter forest homes to nearby wetlands will soon begin. Salamanders and frogs will be moving e masse to find mates and deposit their eggs, sometimes crossing roads at great peril to themselves.
The Cornwall Conservation Commission has invited biologists from the North Branch Nature Center to share details of this migration and describe how we, as residents, can assist amphibians in crossing Cornwall roads safely. And, we will be invited to become a part of North Branch’s Amphibian Road Crossing Citizen Science Project, working with others in Cornwall and throughout the State to rescue thousands of amphibians while collecting important migration data used by ecologists and planners.
Families are welcome to participate. Please join us.