Planning Commission Completes Work on the Updated Cornwall Town Plan!!

At the March meeting of the Cornwall Planning Commission, the commission adopted a new draft of the Town Plan. This is the end result of a more than two years long project that was in part funded by a Municipal Planning Grant from the State. Now that the Planning Commission has adopted the draft, the document is now in the hands of the Select Board.

The Select Board’s responsibilities include reviewing the document, making changes if the Select Board deems them necessary, and holding a hearing within the next three months. After the hearing process, the Select Board can vote to adopt the plan for the town. If the Select Board adopts the plan, Cornwall would have a new town plan which would be in effect for eight years.

Please stay tuned to the Cornwall town website for updates on this process and announcements for the hearing.

The latest draft is available here for your perusal.

If you are curious to see the memo that we issued with the Town Plan before the hearing the Planning Commission held in January, please refer to this link:

DRAFT Cornwall Town Plan