Library Info

The Cornwall Library is always looking for book donations so clean off those bookshelves, end tables, night tables, or wherever else you keep the books that you’ve read and bring them over to the library. We accept donations all through the year. We take books, CDs, and DVDs.   However, textbooks, …


The Trustees of the Cornwall Free Public Library want to thank all of you who supported our 2018 Book Sale.  It was a great success thanks to everyone who donated books, shoppers, and volunteers who helped with the setup as well as helping on the day of the sale. Proceeds from the sale go directly …

Cornwall Library Book Sale

Just a reminder (in case you’ve forgotten.) The Cornwall Library Book Sale will be held this Saturday, November 10th and it will be open from 9AM to 3PM at the Town Hall. We have a wide variety of donated books across all genres so come and get your winter reading materials. Once again, …